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Bug [Solved] Failed to initialize plugin: wpDiscuz

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When saving a publication as a draft, "Failed to initialize plugin: wpDiscuz" appears on the view page of this publication.

wpDiscuz 7.6.16

Screenshot 2024 03 29 at 06 00 52 Печенье с лимонной начинкой – пошаговый рецепт с фото
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Posts: 7354
Illustrious Member
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We'll check and get back to you soon. 

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I googled the error and I have the exact same issue. 

For me it appears when editing a post via the frontend. I have an ACF system to handle frontend submission/edit of posts and it appears in the TinyMCE window and on the side of the screen. See attached image.

Apparently this only happens on pages and posts with WYSIWYG editors. I've tried disabling all sorts of plugins that have something to do with said editors but even rolling back wpDiscuz to an older version didn't help.

err 1


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I'm facing the same issue suddenly. 

The front-end content editor shows Failed to initialize plugin: wpDiscuz - every time it is even refreshed.

Posts: 7354
Illustrious Member
Joined: 7 years ago

Dear users,

We don't find such an issue on our test websites. Could you please send the admin login details to info[at] email address? I'll ask the developers to check the issue for you.

Please let us know once the email is sent. 

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I have the same problem. Please do let us know here if you find a solution. Thank you

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By the way, in my case, the problem is coming from wpdiscuz-shortcode-tinymce.js, these lines..

image: wpdObject.image,
tooltip: wpdObject.tooltip,

$('#wpd-inline-content').html(text ? text : '<span class="wpd-text-error">' + wpdObject.no_text_selected + '</span>');
tb_show(wpdObject.popup_title, '#TB_inline?width=' + W + '&height=400&inlineId=wpdiscuz_feedback_dialog');

wpdObject not initialized ( You can inspect and check if it is the same for you)


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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7354


Please refer to my response in the previous post.

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