I have install listings plugin. So wp discuz work normal on post show but on listings don't show. On listing i get original wp comments form and on my normal posts i get wpdiscuz form.
So is there any way to add filter snippet to show wp discuz on listing plugin too?
I chose on setting hp_listing there is faild to check. This is cheked too but on listing don't show wp discuz.
Many thanks for reply.
I check it but Problem not solved. So I get Standard comment function but on hp_listing don't Show discuz there is just Standard comment function
to get on the form check point hp_listing i add this sdcction
add_filter( 'hivepress/v1/post_types', function( $post_types ) { $post_types['listing']['supports'][] = 'comments'; return $post_types; } ); add_filter( 'hivepress/v1/templates/listing_view_page', function( $template ) { return hivepress()->helper->merge_trees( $template, [ 'blocks' => [ 'page_content' => [ 'blocks' => [ 'listing_comments' => [ 'type' => 'callback', 'callback' => 'comments_template', '_order' => 100, ], ], ], ], ] ); } );
As you can see the code snippet suggested above calls the “comments_template” function https://prnt.sc/vvro4x Maybe this Discuz plugin is enabled for regular posts by default, but not for custom post types like Listing?