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Question [Solved] Some comments are "awaiting approval" but don't appear in backend

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I recently got an email from a member who is having a hard time posting her comments. Everytime she posts, it says it's waiting for approval in her Disqus comment but I don't have any comments to approve in the backend. See this screenshot:

I've read through your documentation and I have neither of these two settings enabled: nor do I have any filter words:

I've only got Akistmet installed, and I've set it to move suspicious comments to the Spam folder instead of deleting them, for situations like this. But there's no comments awaiting moderation OR any in the spam folder.

This has happened multiple times for this user.

Thank you


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Illustrious Member
Joined: 7 years ago

Dear sol,

Please note the wpDiscuz doesn't have a built-in option for comment moderation. I'd recommend you deactivate the Akistmet plugin and check again, 

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Why Admin Must Always Approve The Comment?

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7464


This depends on the WordPress settings you've configured. Please navigate to the Dashboard > Settings > Discussion admin page and ensure that the following two options are disabled: 

  • Comment must be manually approved
  • Comment author must have a previously approved comment

More information can be found here: /p>

Also, make sure you don't have any anti-spam plugins installed on your website

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Joined: 1 month ago

Thanks, that's it 😎 
