We had an increase in traffic to our site, which increased our CPU usage over the limit.
Investigating further, we found via Cloudflare that `/wp-json/wpdiscuz/v1/update` was getting pinged by the thousands from many different IPs.
So I disabled the live comment bubble entirely and cleared the cache but the requests kept coming. I then enabled the "I am under Attack" function via Cloudflare and it started mitigating all of those requests.
I then deactivated the wpDiscuz plugin and the requests are still coming in.
Is this an attack or is there something I am missing regarding the plugin?
Thanks and regards,
You should deactivate the wpDiscuz Comment Bubble and the Live Update options and check again.
Both options can be found in the Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Settings > Live Commenting and Notifications admin page.
Please properly clear all kinds of caches before checking.Β
I did that:
I disabled the live comment bubble entirely and cleared the cache but the requests kept coming. I then enabled the "I am under Attack" function via Cloudflare and it started mitigating all of those requests.
I then deactivated the wpDiscuz plugin and the requests are still coming in.
I'm curious if those requests should still come in after deactivating the plugin. Is that normal behavior or is this an attack? It has been 24 hours and the requests are still coming in and the plugin is still deactivated.
Just to give an update, I added a custom rule to Cloudflare for /wp-json/* to use a JavaScript challenge. Is there anything wrong with doing that or should that be fine?