Same thing is happening with me. When I´m logged in Wordpress, the comments appear. But, another person, or, when I use a private window, the comments don´t appear.
I tried deactived ALL plugins, pressed F5 and nothing happened.
I inserted the code:
/*script comentarios sumidos wpdiscuz */
function comment_support_for_my_custom_post_type() {
add_post_type_support( 'my_post_type', 'comments' );
add_action('wpdiscuz_comment_form_before', function() {
echo '<h3 style="max-width: 750px;margin: 0px auto;">' . __('Leave a Reply', 'wpdiscuz') . '</h3>';
in functions.php in my child theme, and nothing...
Any other idea? The number of comments in my site ( https://viagemlenta.com) is falling down...
Thank you
Now, I noted my comments are not associated to the posts (see image). It was the last update? How can I associate again?
Thank you, but I´ve tried this before and it´s ok.
I think the big problem is the association of comments witg the posts, as the first picture.
I attached how the page is displayed.
I tried to clear cache (including CloudFlare) and nothing.
I solved the problem recovering the automatic database backup. Thank you for your attention.
But remained a question: the plugin´s update could cause this problem?