I have a new site called https://www.futurenode.dk 🙂 and I use wpDiscuz
I have also bought "Addons Basic Bundle"
Now to my question. Is there an easy way to add a "Comment policy link" before the comment field?
Hi Thomas,
You can use the wpdiscuz_comment_form_before hook. More info here: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/codex/actions/wpdiscuz_comment_form_before/
Hi @Asti 🙂
Thanks for your reply. Maybe a stupid question, but where will I need to add the code?
Hi @Asti
I have a problem with my code.
I have installed this code in WPcode, and it appears on the correct pages...
Test page: https://www.futurenode.dk/dice-veteraner-samles/ (Right over the comment field)
But the link is not clickable. Right now my code looks like this:
add_action("wpdiscuz_comment_form_before", function () { echo "<div style='text-align:center'>"; echo "Husk at følge vores: <a https://www.futurenode.dk/retningslinjer-for-kommentarer/>Retningslinjer for kommentarer</a>"; });
I want to make link that opens in a new page
Can you help me?
BTW... My PHP and html skill is very limited
Ahh. Thanks a lot. You can close the post 🙂