I simply can't get this plugin to work. I've followed all the instructions. The comment box doesn't show up. I followed this advice. There isn't a discussion box on my screen options.
For further support, please leave some feedback for each point mentioned in the doc: https://wpdiscuz.com/docs/wpdiscuz-7/getting-started/missing-comment-form/
Please provide some screenshots for each point.
Tip 1: No other plugin installed.
Tip 2: Done.
Tip 3: Done.
Tip 4: I don't have the "Discussions" checkbox on the Screen Options. See screenshot.
Tip 5. Does not apply
Tip 6: My theme does use <?php comments_template() ?>
Tip 4: I don't have the "Discussions" checkbox on the Screen Options. See screenshot.
Edit the specific post and check for the discussion option. It seems you're checking in the "All Posts" list section instead.
Tip 6: My theme does use <?php comments_template() ?>
You're searching in the wrong place. You should look in the file responsible for displaying the current template. For example, in most themes, the file single.php is responsible for the post template.
We have not received a reply from you for over a couple of weeks, therefore we will be closing this topic. Please create a new one if you require any additional help.
Thank You!