Hi. I have problem with your plugin. I am install plugin setup all how i like to be.
I am update your last update for plugin maybe this will be problem with this i don't know.
I have problem with Users/Subscribers/Guest can't click on any functions like "sorting comments" "subscriptions" "Can't Post new comment" "he can't rate" "functions not work for them...".
When i want to do this from admin all work good, only for users/subscribers and guest nothing work with functions...
Where is problem now? I am not change nothing on my testing wordpress site. I am make test wordpress to test only your plugin and not make any changes in your plugin.
What can be problem with posting new comment, not work any functions for new users/subscribers and guest? He can't click on any function and post comment, only get in top-right side on website load 4 lines like load load and nothing...
My website: https://shorturl.at/awiPz
All the best!
Help me please!
I send above my main website and here not have your plugin.
This is website where i have your plugin and problem: https://shorturl.at/TCui8
I am install here on test subdomen to test plugin and setup all. Tell me now where is problem?