Error again when updating the plugin. It happens a little bit too often which is why I usually hesitate to update.
Warning: Undefined array key "is_rate_editable" in /home/**/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz/class.WpdiscuzCore.php on line 1303
The issue will be fixed in the next version of the wpDiscuz plugin. Please wait for the next update. It'll come soon.
When can a fix be expected?
Try this:
$this->wpdiscuzOptionsJs["is_rate_editable"] = isset($this->form->getGeneralOptions()["is_rate_editable"]) ? $this->form->getGeneralOptions()["is_rate_editable"] : false;
This code checks if the key "is_rate_editable" exists in the array returned by the getGeneralOptions()
method. If the key exists, its value will be assigned; if not, a default value (e.g., false
) will be used.
This issue is fixed.