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If Reply button doe...
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[Solved] If Reply button doesn't work

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Illustrious Member Support
Joined: 7 years ago
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Hi, dear wpDiscuz users,
We're getting lots of question regarding inactive reply button, and in 90% cases, the reason is Jetpack Comments plugin. Please note, you can't use two different comment system together. You should keep activated whether wpDiscuz or Jetpack Comments.

When you hit the reply button and nothing happens:
1. Make sure you've deactivated Jetpack Comments
2. Delete all caches and purge CDN

-- If you don't have Jetpack Comments installed

3. Delete all caches and purge CDN

-- If it doesn't help

4. Open Firefox or Chrome console, reload the page and check all JavaScrip Errors. Most cases you'll find the plugin which causes that error. Just deactivate it and wpDiscuz will work fine.

In case you want to say thank you! 🙂
We'd really appreciate if you leave a good review on the plugin page.
This is the best way to say thank you to this project and the support team.
