Hi @gnv,
Could you please navigate to Dashboard > wpDiscuz > Forms admin page and check comment forms? If you don't have any comment form please create one or disable wpDiscuz. wpDiscuz requires you to have at least one comment form.
I have 2 forms.
Full list of an active plugins will be too huge. I can try to disable some by your logic suggest.
a) I see this message only at Elementor Templates and ElementorPRO ThemesTemplates lists pages. I DONT see this message at similar pages of a WP Timeline, FAQ Revo, etc plugins posts lists which also use Posts table for store their garbage.
b) No. But I want to use WPML later.
c) According to (b) at both my forms only a main WP site language are displayed: ru_RU.
d) At wpDiscuz comments forms I see only standard Posts types as: " post page attachment product", nothing like "Elementor templates" etc.
Ok, thank you for the information. This was Elementor specific issue. We just fixed that in next update. It comes soon.