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"::getInstance"); if (isset($fieldArgs["no_insert_meta"])) { $field->validateFieldData($fieldName, $fieldArgs, $this->wpdOptions, $currentUser); } else { $this->fieldsBeforeSave[$fieldName] = $field->validateFieldData($fieldName, $fieldArgs, $this->wpdOptions, $currentUser); } } } public function validateDefaultCaptcha($currentUser) { $args = $this->formFields[wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_CAPTCHA_FIELD]; $this->captchaFied->validateFieldData(wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_CAPTCHA_FIELD, $args, $this->wpdOptions, $currentUser); } public function validateSubscribtionCaptcha($addSubscription) { if (!is_user_logged_in() && $this->wpdOptions->recaptcha["isShowOnSubscribeForm"]) { $addSubscription = $this->captchaFied->reCaptchaValidate($this->wpdOptions); } return $addSubscription; } public function validateDefaultEmail($currentUser, &$isAnonymous) { $emailField = Field\DefaultField\Email::getInstance(); $args = $this->formFields[wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_EMAIL_FIELD]; $email = $emailField->validateFieldData(wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_EMAIL_FIELD, $args, $this->wpdOptions, $currentUser); $isAnonymous = $emailField->isAnonymous(); return $email; } public function validateDefaultName($currentUser) { $nameField = Field\DefaultField\Name::getInstance(); $args = $this->formFields[wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_NAME_FIELD]; return $nameField->validateFieldData(wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_NAME_FIELD, $args, $this->wpdOptions, $currentUser); } public function validateDefaultWebsite($currentUser) { $webSiteField = Field\DefaultField\Website::getInstance(); $args = $this->formFields[wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_WEBSITE_FIELD]; return $webSiteField->validateFieldData(wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_WEBSITE_FIELD, $args, $this->wpdOptions, $currentUser); } public function renderFrontCommentMetaHtml($commentID, &$output) { $htmlExists = false; if ($this->formCustomFields) { $meta = get_comment_meta($commentID); $top = $this->_renderFrontCommentMetaHtml($meta, $this->formCustomFields, "top"); $bottom = $this->_renderFrontCommentMetaHtml($meta, $this->formCustomFields, "bottom"); if ($top || $bottom) { $htmlExists = true; } $top = ($top) ? "
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wpdOptions->form["richEditor"] === "desktop") ? "" : "wpd-txt"; ?>"> wpdOptions->thread_layouts["showAvatars"] && $this->wpdOptions->wp["showAvatars"]) { ?> ID ? $currentUser->display_name : "guest"; $authorEmail = $currentUser->ID ? $currentUser->user_email : ""; ?>
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> $editorButton) { $value = $editorButton["value"] ? "value='" . esc_attr($editorButton["value"]) . "'" : ""; $dataName = $editorButton["name"] ? "data-wpde_button_name='" . esc_attr($editorButton["name"]) . "'" : ""; ?>
comment_ID . "_" . $comment->comment_parent; $html = "
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row->allowedFieldsType(); foreach ($this->formCustomFields as $key => $data) { $fieldType = $data["type"]; if (in_array($fieldType, $allowedFieldsType, true)) { $field = call_user_func($fieldType . "::getInstance"); $value = get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, $key, true); echo $field->editCommentHtml($key, $value, $data, $comment); } } ?>
comment_parent); ?>">
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" value="generalOptions["header_text_single"]) ? htmlentities($this->generalOptions["header_text_single"], ENT_QUOTES) : esc_html__("Comment", "wpdiscuz"); ?>" style="width:80%;">
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generalOptions["postid"], ENT_QUOTES) : ""; ?>" style="width:80%;"> " target="_blank">
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" class="wpd-com-layout-" style="height: 85px;"/> "/>

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" value="generalOptions["post_rating_title"]) ? htmlentities($this->generalOptions["post_rating_title"], ENT_QUOTES) : esc_html__("Article Rating", "wpdiscuz"); ?>" style="width:80%;">
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formeStructure) { foreach ($this->formeStructure as $id => $rowData) { $this->row->dashboardForm($id, $rowData); } } else { $this->row->dashboardForm("wpd_form_row_wrap_0", $this->defaultFieldsData()); } ?>
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" . esc_html__("Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.", "woocommerce") . "

"; } } $this->isUserCanComment = $user_can_comment; return $user_can_comment; } public function defaultFieldsData() { return [ "column_type" => "two", "row_order" => 0, "default" => 1, "left" => [ wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_NAME_FIELD => [ "type" => "wpdFormAttr\Field\DefaultField\Name", "name" => esc_html__("Name", "wpdiscuz"), "desc" => "", "icon" => "fas fa-user", "required" => "1" ], wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_EMAIL_FIELD => [ "type" => "wpdFormAttr\Field\DefaultField\Email", "name" => esc_html__("Email", "wpdiscuz"), "desc" => "", "icon" => "fas fa-at", "required" => "1" ], wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_WEBSITE_FIELD => [ "type" => "wpdFormAttr\Field\DefaultField\Website", "name" => esc_html__("Website", "wpdiscuz"), "desc" => "", "icon" => "fas fa-link", "enable" => "1" ], ], "right" => [ wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_CAPTCHA_FIELD => [ "type" => "wpdFormAttr\Field\DefaultField\Captcha", "name" => "", "desc" => "", "show_for_guests" => "0", "show_for_users" => "0" ], wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_SUBMIT_FIELD => [ "type" => "wpdFormAttr\Field\DefaultField\Submit", "name" => esc_html__("Post Comment", "wpdiscuz") ], ], ]; } private function saveFormContentTypeRel($data, $lang) { $contentType = get_option(wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_CONTENT_TYPE_REL, []); foreach ($this->formPostTypes as $k => $formPostType) { if (!in_array($formPostType, $data)) { unset($contentType[$formPostType][$lang]); } } foreach ($data as $type => $lable) { if (isset($contentType[$type][$lang]) && $contentType[$type][$lang]) { $existsFormID = $contentType[$type][$lang]; $generalOptions = get_post_meta($existsFormID, wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_META_FORMS_GENERAL_OPTIONS, true); if (!empty($generalOptions)) { unset($generalOptions[wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_META_FORMS_POSTE_TYPES][$type]); } update_post_meta($existsFormID, wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_META_FORMS_GENERAL_OPTIONS, $generalOptions); } $contentType[$type][$lang] = $this->formID; } update_option(wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_CONTENT_TYPE_REL, $contentType); } private function saveFormPostRel($data) { $formPostIds = isset($this->generalOptions["postidsArray"]) ? $this->generalOptions["postidsArray"] : []; $ids = get_option(wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_POST_REL, []); foreach ($formPostIds as $k => $formPostId) { if (!in_array($formPostId, $data)) { unset($ids[$formPostId]); } } foreach ($data as $k1 => $id) { if (isset($ids[$id]) && $ids[$id]) { $existsFormID = $ids[$id]; $generalOptions = get_post_meta($existsFormID, wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_META_FORMS_GENERAL_OPTIONS, true); if (!$generalOptions) { $generalOptions = ["postidsArray" => []]; } foreach ($generalOptions["postidsArray"] as $key => $pid) { if ($pid == $id) { unset($generalOptions["postidsArray"][$key]); } } $generalOptions["postid"] = implode(", ", $generalOptions["postidsArray"]); update_post_meta($existsFormID, wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_META_FORMS_GENERAL_OPTIONS, $generalOptions); } $ids[$id] = $this->formID; } update_option(wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_POST_REL, $ids); } public function transferJSData($data) { $this->initFormFields(); $data["is_email_field_required"] = empty($this->formFields[wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_EMAIL_FIELD]["required"]) ? 0 : $this->formFields[wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_FORMS_EMAIL_FIELD]["required"]; return $data; } public function showRecaptcha() { return ($this->wpdOptions->recaptcha["showForGuests"] && !is_user_logged_in()) || ($this->wpdOptions->recaptcha["showForUsers"] && is_user_logged_in()) || ($this->wpdOptions->recaptcha["isShowOnSubscribeForm"] && !is_user_logged_in()); } public function customFieldsExists() { $this->initFormFields(); return $this->formCustomFields ? true : false; } public function resetData() { $this->formID = 0; $this->generalOptions = []; $this->formCustomFields = []; $this->formFields = []; } public function getLayouts($theme = '') { $theme = $theme ? $theme : $this->generalOptions["theme"]; $layouts = []; $path = $theme . 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"/themes/"; $scannedThemes = scandir($path); unset($scannedThemes[0]); unset($scannedThemes[1]); foreach ($scannedThemes as $k => $scannedTheme) { if (is_dir($path . $scannedTheme)) { $theme = wp_get_theme($scannedTheme, $path); if ($theme->exists()) { return $path . $scannedTheme; } } } } public function getAllowedFieldsType() { return $this->row->allowedFieldsType(); } public function updateSeparateRatingMeta($ratings, $post_id) { foreach ($ratings as $key => $values) { $avg = 0; $c = 0; foreach ($values as $rating => $count) { $avg += $rating * $count; $c += $count; } update_post_meta($post_id, wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_RATING_SEPARATE_AVG . $key, ($c === 0 ? 0 : round($avg / $c, 1))); update_post_meta($post_id, wpdFormConst::WPDISCUZ_RATING_SEPARATE_COUNT . $key, $c); } } }