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是否支持 html邮件 格式?
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Issue [Solved] 是否支持 html邮件 格式?

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我使用了一个工具创建了一个html电子邮件,在Google Mail中测试时可以正常显示。但是,当我将创建的 html 文件粘贴到评论状态电子邮件模板中时,我在测试期间没有收到任何电子邮件。请注意,无需使用html即可正常接收电子邮件。不支持吗?还是我做错了什么?

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I used a tool to create an html email which displayed fine when tested in Google Mail. However, when I paste the html file I created into the comment status email template, I don't receive any emails during the test. Note that you don't need to use html to receive emails properly. Not supported? Or am I doing something wrong?

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7771


We'll check and get back to you soon. 

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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7771


We've checked and don't find such an issue on our test websites. Our developers have rechecked the codes, and the only plausible reason for the problem might be related to the email address.

Kindly verify that the email address of the user approving the comment is different from the email address of the comment author.

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Trusted Member
Posts: 41

@astiI tested it again and it can be received normally. But there is another problem. When I use the [COMMENT_URL] shortcode, the link opened is http// instead of http://, which will cause a link error.

chrome SHBN2xSoZh


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Illustrious Member
Posts: 7771


The developers have reviewed the code and confirmed that the issue is not related to wpDiscuz. wpDiscuz utilizes the native (core) WordPress function get_comment_link(commentid).

To identify the source of the problem, we recommend deactivating plugins and themes one by one. After each deactivation, please check to see if the issue persists.
